Hand-washing with soap, when done correctly, is critical in the fight against COVID-19, but 3 billion people have no ready access to a place to wash their hands with soap at home. Hand-washing station designs need to be appropriate for the intended use and must consider health, design features and local procurement, as well as user experience and accessibility. The design of the tap is essential to limit cross-contamination between hand washers and, with one meter distance between users, should be given a primary consideration in the context of the COVID-19 response.

Handwashing remains the No. 1 tip for preventing the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). It’s common sense and it works. However, it must be done properly and with soap and water. When soap and water are not available, the next best option is to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Path to improved health
Proper handwashing not only reduces the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), it can prevent the spread of other viral illnesses such as cold and flu. Handwashing also reduces the risk of getting other easily spread infections, such SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome).
Handwashing requires five simple steps:
Wet: Put both your hands under clean, running water.
Lather: Apply a generous amount of soap to the inside and back of your hands as well as your fingertips. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds (sing happy birthday) and don’t forget to wash under jewelry and fingernails. Your fingertips are especially important as people often put their fingers on their face, nose, and eyes. This is how the virus spreads.
Scrub: Rub both hands together and move your fingertips around both hands. You don’t need a scrub brush. You don’t need to make harsh, scrubbing movements.
Rinse: Return both hands to the running water and gently wash away the soap.
Dry: Completely dry the water from your hands. Using a disposable towel (paper towel) is best to avoid leaving germs on towels. Air dryers, commonly found in public bathrooms, are also effective.
When do I need to wash my hands?
Handwashing throughout the day is important, but even more important during an outbreak. Always remember to wash your hands in these situations:
- After returning from a public outing (grocery store, work, school, concert, sporting activity, hospital, nursing home, etc.).
- Before leaving the bathroom — both at home and in public bathrooms.
- After shaking hands during flu season and virus outbreaks.
- Before, during, and after preparing food, especially raw food.
- Before eating food.
- Before and after caring for someone at home who is sick with symptoms of vomiting or diarrhea.
- Before and after treating a cut or wound.
- After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet.
- After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
- After touching an animal, animal feed, or animal waste.
- After handling pet food or pet treats.
- After touching garbage.
- After putting on your shoes.
- After using public computers, touching public tables and countertops, cash and coins, other people’s phones, etc.
How long should I wash my hands?
Science has shown that washing your hands for 20 seconds is effective in killing germs. Don’t have the patience for this? Experts say that washing your hands while singing Happy Birthday twice makes the experience quick and pleasant.
When should I use hand sanitizer?
Alcohol-based hand sanitizer (containing at least 60% alcohol) is helpful in protecting against the spread of germs and viruses. However, handwashing with soap and water is still best. Hand sanitizer is effective when soap and water are not available. This includes when taking public transportation and it’s difficult to get to a bathroom (airplane, train, bus). Carrying a travel size bottle of hand sanitizer makes it easy to disinfect your hands in these situations. Some people use it when they sit down to eat at a restaurant. Others use it when they are in the presence of crowds (games, church service, school meetings).
Apply a generous drop of hand sanitizer to the palm of your hand and rub it across both hands, front and back, and fingertips
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